Donate to the Grogalizer
You tiki bar's best friendThe Grogalizer is your key to unlocking the power of various tropical Tiki drink recipe books. How many times have you thumbed through a book by Martin Cate or Jeff “Beachbum” Berry looking for a drink you can make with what is in your bar? Wondered if a recipe is good? Looked for something you never made before? Let The Grogalizer figure all that out for you!
Enter your ingredients on hand and see what you can make. Grade the drinks you try and track your progress through the books. See other people’s notes on the recipes to get tips for better cocktails. Grade the recipe to help you and others decide what to make next time.
I have paid the costs of running the Grogalizer for the last 12 years. This year the cost of hosting has increased and they have required all sites to run PHP version 8, which causes the Grogalizer to break. Running it on an older version incurres a monthly fee on top of the hosting.
So for the first time I am asking for donations to offset the cost of the site. I much prefer this to having ads. You can also always support the site by buying things on Amazon via this link.